05/2016 - Blog - KD Max 3D Kitchen Design Software South Africa

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How to modify the cabinet name on cutting list in KD Max?

Published by in Tip of the day ·
Tags: CuttingList

How to modify the cabinet name on cutting list in KD Max?
1. Right click the cabinet and select “property” to view and edit parameters.

2. Rename the cabinet and export cutting list to excel file.

3. The name has been modified and it is the same as the cabinet on the scene.

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What is the handle position based on KD max?

Published by in Tip of the day ·
Tags: Handle

What is the handle position based on KD max?
Here we need to clarify the modify handle function position mechanism. Follow below steps.
1. Right click the object cabinet and select “Modify handle” function to continue.

2. Tick on “Install” and tick off “Auto Calculate”, then the “Base” pull-down box will be available.

3. Select one basic position type from the list. For example, “Right Up” means the handle will be set base on the right up corner of the cabinet and its specific position depends on the “x” and “y” values.

4. So, it means that handle will not probably on the right up corner of cabinet if you input high x and y values. Just the basic position on right up corner and vary to anywhere.

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How to change the default carcass thickness in KD Max

Published by in Training ·
Tags: carcassthickness

How to change the default carcass thickness in KD Max?
The default thickness of panel in KD Max is 18mm, but it is alterable and available to change the default parameters.
Operation steps:
1. Layout an object on the 3D scene.
2. Press “Shift+Ctrl+C” combination keys to call out the demand bar, and input “libmodify” to access
editing dialogue.

3. Select the object according to the catalogue and specification, then click modify. On the dialogue,
you can change info....

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